8 Signs You Deserve More in Your Relationship

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Realizing you deserve more in your relationship can be an emotional rollercoaster.

There’s the initial confusion and doubt, the “Am I expecting too much?” phase, followed by the “Wait, I deserve better!” epiphany.

It’s a journey that often involves soul-searching, late-night talks with friends, and maybe even a few tubs of ice cream with sprinkles of tears.

But here’s the thing: Recognizing that you deserve more is the first step toward finding a relationship that truly fulfills you.

In the end, it’s about setting boundaries, knowing your worth, and not settling for less than you deserve.

If you intend not to settle for less but instead recognize your worth and ensure you get the love, respect, and appreciation you deserve, this article is for you.

So, if you’ve been feeling like you’re constantly on the short end of the love stick, let’s explore the signs you deserve more in your relationship.


8 Signs You Deserve More in Your Relationship

1. Nothing But an Afterthought

Signs You Deserve More in Your Relationship

Let me ask if you’ve ever felt like you’re the last name on a dinner party invite list.

You know, the one they added because they felt obligated, not because you really deserve it?

If your partner makes you feel this way, it’s a big red flag.

When you’re an afterthought, you’re probably only hearing from them when they’re bored, need something, or have no other plans.

It’s like being the leftovers they only eat because they’re too lazy to cook.

So wake up! You deserve to be someone’s first choice, not their backup plan.

If you’re being treated like you’re the stale bag of chips in the pantry, it’s time to re-evaluate.

Trust me! You’re more than just an option; you’re a whole buffet!


2. They’re More Invested in Their Phone Than in You

Signs You Deserve More in Your Relationship

I had this experience when I was pouring my heart out, sharing the highs and lows of my day, and my partner was glued to her phone, chuckling at memes or scrolling through Instagram.

I felt like I was talking to a wall, but it was worse because at least the wall wasn’t actively ignoring me.

If your partner ever makes you feel this way, if he/she can’t put down their phone to engage you in a meaningful conversation, it’s a sign they’re not prioritizing you.

It’s one’s lover we’re talking about here; who doesn’t want to say it all to their lover?

Listen, you deserve someone who listens, not someone more interested in their latest game app than in your feelings.

If they can’t disconnect to connect with you, it might be time to disconnect yourself from this relationship.


3. Your Needs and Feelings Are Constantly Ignored

Signs You Deserve More in Your Relationship

Relationships are about compromise and understanding. 

But if your partner brushes off your needs or feelings every single time, that’s a problem.

It’s like you’re shouting into the void, and all you get back is the echo of your own voice.

Your feelings should matter, whether it’s big decisions or small daily things.

You deserve someone who sees you, hears you, and values your input.

If you constantly feel invisible or insignificant, it’s a clear sign that you deserve more than what you’re getting.

And enough of tossing your feelings in the trash!


4. They Don’t Support Your Dreams and Goals

Signs You Deserve More in Your Relationship

Growth is one of the key indicators of a good relationship, but it’s only possible if you both offer a good support system.

Your dreams and goals are an essential part of who you are.

If your partner doesn’t deem it fit to support them or, worse, belittles them, it’s like pouring cold water on your fiery ambitions.

Growth, success, and achieving that dream may be impossible.

A supportive partner should encourage you to pursue your dreams, not mock them or dismiss them as unrealistic.

Be with someone who’s your biggest cheerleader, not a wet blanket.

If they can’t see the brilliance of your dreams, it might be because they’re wearing sunglasses made of insecurity and jealousy.

Don’t dim your light for someone else’s comfort; hold that.


5. You’re Doing All the Emotional Labor

I heard you’re always the one planning dates, remembering anniversaries, and keeping the relationship from falling apart.

Wonderful, I never knew you were this good at saving the day.

It’s just sad your partner isn’t ready to lift a finger for you.

They’re just there to sit back and enjoy the ride while you row the boat alone.

This imbalance can lead to resentment and burnout.

Let me know when you’re exhausted saving their day, and they aren’t there to save yours.

Relationships are a partnership, not a one-person show.

And If they’re not pulling their weight, it’s time to ask yourself why you’re still rowing.

You deserve a partner who’s equally invested in the relationship.


6. Lack of Respect

Signs You Deserve More in Your Relationship

Respect is the foundation of any and every healthy relationship I’ve ever seen.

If your partner disrespects you, whether it’s through words, actions, or attitudes, it’s a major red flag.

This can come in many forms: belittling comments, dismissive attitudes, or even outright rudeness.

You know, like they’ve forgotten that you’re a person with feelings, not just a side character in their story.

You deserve respect, plain and simple.

If they can’t give it, it’s time to respect yourself enough to walk away.

Being treated with dignity should be a basic standard, not a luxury.


7. They’re Not Willing to Grow or Change

People grow and change, and so should relationships.

It can be frustrating and limiting if your partner is stuck in their ways and refuses to grow or change.

Congrats, you’re now in a car with a driver who refuses to take the GPS route and instead drives in circles, insisting they know the way.

You deserve someone willing to evolve with you, not someone who’s stagnant and resistant to change.

So, If your partner is not interested in personal growth or improving the relationship, it’s a sign that you might be on different paths.


8. You’re Not Happy Anymore

Signs You Deserve More in Your Relationship

This might sound obvious, but in my experience, it’s often the hardest one to accept.

So be watchful. If you’re consistently unhappy in your relationship, that’s a major sign that something is truly wrong.

Relationships should add to your happiness, not detract from it.

It’s like eating ice cream; it should be a joy, not a chore.

You deserve happiness and fulfillment.

If your relationship feels more like a burden than a blessing, it’s time to reassess.

Life is too short to stay in a relationship that doesn’t bring you joy.


The Courage to Demand More

Once it all becomes clear that you’re getting less than you truly deserve, it takes courage to demand more in a relationship, especially if you’ve been settling for less.

It’s like finally realizing you deserve the deluxe burger with all the toppings, not just the plain patty with a sad slice of cheese.

You have to be brave enough to ask for what you want and need and to walk away if you don’t receive it.


At the end of the day, you deserve a partner who loves, respects and values you.

You deserve someone who makes you feel cherished and appreciated, not someone who leaves you questioning your worth.

So, if you find yourself nodding along to any of these signs, it’s time to have an honest conversation with yourself and maybe even your partner.

Remember, you’re not asking for too much; you’re just asking the wrong person.

The right person will be more than willing to give you all the love, respect, and support you deserve.

Set your standards high, and don’t settle for less than extraordinary.

You’re worth it, and you deserve the best.

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