8 Signs You Are in a One-Sided Relationship

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Relationships are sweet and divine when you are with the right person.

It’s a game of two where both players win.

When you find your perfect match, everything seems to fall into place.

The world becomes more beautiful and life seems to have a deeper meaning.

But let’s face it, relationships can also be challenging at times.

Communication breakdowns, differences in opinions, and external stressors can all take a toll on a relationship.

But what happens when your partner keeps stepping on your toes or, worse, isn’t dancing at all?

In this article, we’ll dive into spotting those telltale signs you are in a one-sided relationship.

8 Signs You Are in a One-Sided Relationship

1. You’re Always the One Making Plans

Signs You Are in a One-Sided Relationship

If you’re the one who always suggests date night, plans the weekend getaway, or even just arranges a Netflix binge?

If your partner’s idea of contributing to the relationship is asking, “So, what are we doing?” while lounging on the couch, you might be in a one-sided relationship.

Trust me if you’re the event planner, and they’re the VIP guest who just shows up without an RSVP.

You are on your own, so wake up.

It’s time to stop being the cruise director and expect a little more participation from your co-pilot, or you’re heading for the crash.

Start by subtly shifting the responsibility.

Next time, suggest they pick the restaurant or plan the outing.

If they dodge, it might confirm what you suspect. But if they step up, it’s a small win.


2. Communication? More Like You Talking to a Wall

Signs You Are in a One-Sided Relationship

Let me tell you, if sending messages to your partner is like speaking into a void,

If you send paragraphs, and they reply with a single “K” or, worse, just an emoji.

And you’re constantly putting in the effort to communicate while they give you less than the bare minimum, it’s a red flag waving high in the sky.

While you’re writing heartfelt love letters, they’re only responding with post-it notes.

You better think twice because if you wanted to talk to yourself, you’d have started a podcast instead.

In an effort to right the wrongs, try expressing how you feel about the lack of communication.

There’s hope if they’re receptive and willing to work on it.

But if they brush it off, you might want to reconsider whether this “conversation” is worth continuing.


3. You’re Giving, They’re Taking

Relationships are about give and take, surely, but if you find yourself always giving while your partner’s only role is to receive, it’s time to re-evaluate, except if you love to do giveaways.

Whether it’s your time, energy, or even finances, if you’re always the one sacrificing and they’re just reaping the benefits, you’re in a one-sided setup.

My dear, you’re the ATM, and they’ve got the PIN, cashing out till the balance is insufficient.

To break free, you have to set boundaries.

It’s okay to say “no” sometimes or to ask for something in return.

A healthy relationship involves mutual exchange, not one person being the endless provider.


4. They’re Emotionally Unavailable

Signs You Are in a One-Sided Relationship

If you’re always the one opening up, sharing your feelings, and being vulnerable while your partner’s emotional range is limited to “meh,” you’re not on the same wavelength.

Emotional availability can be tricky. Sometimes, people are just not good at expressing their feelings. Encourage open dialogue and see if they can gradually open up.

It’s hard to connect when they’re more emotionally distant than Pluto.

And congratulations on dating a robot.

Keep pouring your heart out, and enjoy cold responses like “Cool story, bro.”

If not, you might be investing in an emotional ghost. But maybe your reward is in heaven, my dear. You may continue.


5. Their Priorities Are a Mystery

Signs You Are in a One-Sided Relationship

Are you always wondering where you stand on their list of priorities, it’s a clear sign something’s off.

They’re always too busy with work, friends, or their phone to spend quality time with you.

If you’re feeling like an option rather than a priority, it’s time to reassess.

You’re in a game of “Where’s Waldo?” but you’re looking for yourself in their life.

If their phone gets more love than you do, it’s time to swipe left.

What to do is to ask them directly where you stand and what their priorities are.

It may feel uncomfortable, but it’s necessary.

If they can’t provide clarity or make you a priority, it might be time to prioritize yourself.


6. You’re Constantly Making Excuses for Them

Signs You Are in a One-Sided Relationship

I know how this works because I make excuses for people a lot before giving up on them.

If you find yourself justifying their behavior to your friends, family, and even yourself, and you’re always saying things like, “They’re just really busy,” or “They’re not good at expressing themselves,” you’re probably covering for them.

Newsflash: You shouldn’t have to be their PR manager.

You’re always fixing their mess while they’re off the grid.

You really should stop running damage control for a PR nightmare.

Recognize the difference between understanding and excusing.

It’s one thing to understand someone’s flaws, it’s another to constantly make excuses for disrespectful or neglectful behavior.


7. They’re Not Interested in the Future

Signs You Are in a One-Sided Relationship

I have heard of different partners getting uncomfortable or changing the subject when the future comes up. 

They’re not interested in discussing long-term plans, and it’s funny that you still hold on to them. What a hopeless romantic you are.

A partner who’s serious about the relationship will be excited to talk about what’s ahead.

Your future will definitely matter to them.

They’re stuck in the present, and here you are, already planning your golden years together.

If they’re allergic to the word “commitment,” it’s time to reconsider.

Try to have a frank discussion about your future together.

If they’re vague or noncommittal, it might be time to rethink the relationship’s direction.


8. You’re Always the One Apologizing

If you’re always the one saying sorry, even when it’s not your fault, it’s a sign of a one-sided relationship.

Healthy relationships involve mutual accountability, not one person always taking the blame.

You’re the “sorry” police, and they’re running a red light without care.

It’s gonna be long for you both

Reflect on why you’re always apologizing.

Is it out of fear of conflict, or are you being manipulated into feeling guilty?

A healthy relationship shouldn’t make you feel constantly at fault.


It’s Time to Row Together or Jump Ship

You’ve done enough being in a one-sided relationship, I know it can exhausting, emotionally draining, and downright frustrating.

If you find yourself nodding along to these signs, you must have an honest conversation with your partner on which way forward.

You really deserve someone who puts in as much effort as you do, someone who’s excited to build a future together.

If you’re feeling like a lone sailor in a relationship boat, it’s time to either get a co-captain or set sail for new horizons.

You deserve a partner who rows with you, not someone who’s just along for the ride.

After all, love should be a partnership, not a solo mission.

Why not put down that oar, and if need be, find a new crew who’s ready to sail into the sunset with you?

Even if you have to navigate a few stormy seas, the right person will always be your safe harbor.

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